Dec 23, 2016

Food Tip: Better Fried Foods!

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

There’s only one way to have really REALLY good fried foods for your next party especially during the Holidays.  Yeah, it’s a UniTasker but sometimes a UniTasker is what it takes!

Here’s more info on the ‘frying outside’ concept.

First, here’s the current model of the fryer I showed in the video.

Now first off, make sure you have a solid and steady workspace to cook from.  No wobbly tables or folding chairs, that’s simply dangerous when working around 350 degree oil.  Also keep in mind the fryer will generate a lot of heat, so you want to work on a wooden or other solid table..  If a plastic folding table is all you have, you will want to place a piece of wood underneath the fryer, like a wooden cutting board to protect the table.   Make sure you have enough space not only for the fryer but for your overall cooking process and a drying rack for the food coming out of the fryer.

Secondly, you need a HEAVY DUTY extension cord like this one because the unit will draw a lot of power. Do NOT use a light duty cord.  These heavy duty cords with the lighted ends are nice so you know you have power coming through the cord.

I recommend putting a baking sheet with a lip under the fryer and then another one alongside to place the lid when you remove the fried items.  The lip ensures any overflow oil or water from the steam doesn’t just run off your workspace onto the deck or ground.

This is from one of my original series concepts, Parties by Number which takes the fear out of throwing a party in your own home.   These quick tips are some of the digital extras.

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