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Nonni’s Bow Knots

My grandmother made these each Christmas and I would literally eat dozens of these things per day.  They are HIGHLY addictive.   Making the bow shape can be vexing so if you can’t get a bow shape to work out, simply cut long rectangle and twist them once or twice.  That makes a nice shape too.  If you don’t have a pasta dough roller, you’ll need to roll this dough out very thin and then just cut it into strips as described in the recipe.

While considered a “uni-tasker” by my old boss Alton Brown, a deep fryer is really awesome for this recipe and honestly for anything else you intend to fry.


NOTE: These make a LOT of Bow Knots, consider making just 1/2 of this recipe to start. 6 Eggs (3 whole, 3 just whites) 3 tbs. sugar 3 cups flour 1 tsp vanilla 1 tsp Kirsch or other liquor such as Cognac 1 tsp rum flavoring or almond extract 1/4 tsp. salt 2 Tbs melted butter Vegetable / Canola oil for frying


Put flower in bowl and make a well in the flour.

Add eggs, flavoring, salt and melted butter.

Mix well until dough is smoother. Refrigerate for about 1/2 hour.

Heat canola / vegetable oil in a pot or Deep Fryer to 350 degrees

Roll paper thin. (using the pasta maker)

Cut strips about 6″ long, 3/4″ wide. Tie 2 pieces into knots.

Fry in the oil until light brown, about 2 – 3 minutes?

Dust with confectioner’s sugar.

I dare you to eat just one. Double dog dare ya!


These Bow Knots are absolutely wonderful to share with friends and family but they do not last that long. In an airtight container you’ll get one, maybe two weeks out of them and they’ll start to get soggy. But dang, these are SO GOOD!!!

This is the current version of the deep fryer that I have used for the past 5 years. Great unit, most parts go into the dishwasher and when you want fried foods, I still love this uni-tasker. Click here to see why.


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