Follow us down the rabbit hole to this truly unique restaurant at sea, Wonderland!
Wonderland on Symphony of the Seas is truly a unique dining experience. From the Mad Hatter who leads you down the rabbit hole to your culinary guides and the whimsical food, it's unlike anything in the cruise industry today. But is it worth it and most importantly, how is the food? Watch to find out!
TRANSCRIPT: (excuse the typos)
So why should people coming to Wonderland really enjoy?
You have to go to Wonderland six appearance, magic and thing that you never been experienced before. Say something extraordinary on yummy.
Nothing creepy about that at all.
It's the final night of the cruise. And we saved Wonderland for the last night now the Mad Hatter met us at the door and led us on down the rabbit hole.
And the first thing we have to do, we need to find our menus. And the way that you find the menu is you paint it. See, the menu is starting to come through. So that is our menu for tonight. It is so cool. The way you do this. Well, actually wear the hat because, you know, it's like a mad hatter had.
All I need is that little thing in the side. There are servers are known as culinary guides. I think they are dressed up kind of like the white rabbit. They're really fun. So he brought out a starter again. We didn't really know what it's going to be. And this is the Mad Hatter shrimp. it's absolutely gorgeous. He said the way to eat this, it's a dip it.
I'm going to dip it in the sauce at a chili something sauce like it? I don't think it's a lot like a bird's nest. Oh, my word. Wow. For the next two dishes, he brought out the bird nest, which is an egg, a hard boiled egg with I think we're a mexican milk and blue cheese. And then this is tomato material, kalamata, olives.
And you have to mash it all together. You have to mash it all together. Try not to get it on my shirt while I'm mashing it. That the eggs, the bird that definitely got the smoke from all that smoke that was around it. I mean, it's a good deviled eggs. It's a really good deviled eggs. I have no idea if this is mashed.
Dried. I get that kind of a point. You do whatever the hell you feel like doing it. Really good tomato obviously that's what any cruise line they're very, very good about, you know, allergies or food restriction. Rebecca did not eat meat, which include gelatin. This particular dish, they did a little gelatin somewhere, like probably around the tomatoes. You think so?
She's not eating it. It's actually quite good. We reconstructed comprising. Now we've got crispy crab cones. Very cute. So they've got wasabi down in the bottom, so they're going to get spicier as we go. But we start with the avocado up on the top of it from the bottom up. And then what he said, that makes sense. We're in Alice in Wonderland.
So he said to eat it from the bottom up. Start with the spice and and work your way up. Oh dollop of that wasabi down there. It's there. Oh look. Crab meat. What a fun way to eat it backwards. Make sure we're in Wonderland. So the next thing he had brought out, it's a citrusy shhhhhhh.
The name of it Citrusy, shhhhhh. We don't talk about Citrusy. It's on the symphony of the seas, apparently, but there is a particular way to eat this. So here we go. We take this ice. This is a caviar up here on the top. We take that off to the side. Read that last. That's ice with some caviar. This is tuna tartare in the middle here.
Oh, Rebecca showing me that I have a spoon. All right, so we're going to take the spoon. We're going to dig there. This is actually a lime with a hollowed out lime. So you take the tuna, you spread it on the filo cracker. As ungrateful as I possibly can. And here we go. I know it's a lot, but this is how you either eat it in one shot.
One big bite is how you eat most of the things they do and bring it out. So I've got the cracker, we've got the tuna fish. Do it all in one shot right here. Oh, yeah. And we just eat the ice. Yes. Just eat it. We're back it back again. Just eat it. But a lot of orange stuff on there.
Various caviar, like, holy cow, that's ridiculously good. That just looks like a pile of ice. You know, there was like multiple citrusy flavors going on in there. Holy crap. How did they do that? I tasted some orange in there, some lemon, some other citrusy mixing. And then, of course, the caviar was on top of that as well. Wow, that was a cool surprise.
Okay. You got a short rib and been brought out with a whole bunch of stuff all around it. And Rebecca Brandi now looks absolutely stunning. Now we're back. And branzino is now breaded. It kind of looks like a breaded fried fish. It's not. That's actually a thin slice of bread on top of the fish. Absolutely amazing. Okay. Now, he said the short rib cooked for five and a half hours.
I mean, the knife just slid right through it, like like literally like butter, which cuts like butter literally cut like butter. Know that that is tasty. I don't know. I've got Dutch all around here. I'm going to dip it into this. God, I think he said it was the apple puree. Maybe good short rib. It will cook, get good flavor to it.
I am enjoying it. Rebecca. The branzino back there saying that the branzino is very good. What a clever way to do that. All right, so dessert. Rebecca got a massive thing of cotton candy that he then poured some liquid on top. When he got down in there, some sort of a tart that was hiding inside the cotton candy.
Carmel Rebecca went, Ooh, it's caramel. No, I mean, the stuff he poured out, all the stuff that he poured with caramel. Okay, I'll catch up. And then my toadstools, the big one is pistachio and the little ones actually have some spice to them. Now, Rebecca can't eat it because they have gelatin. And I mean gelatin made from corn.
I like the way they got to show the toadstool wobbles. I like that little wobbly velvet cake down there on the bottom, but it's supposed to be pistachio flavor on the toaster. And I'm letting it kind of go down into the red velvet cake soil. Okay. I don't taste a lot of pistachio, but it is quite good. Refreshing.
It's really light. Now, the winner here is the chocolate dome. I you've never been here before and you've not had that chocolate ball that they melt on the table, get that? You absolutely want that. We happen to have it at a chef table dinner. So we did not order it here tonight. But if you've never been to Wonderland and you've not had that melted glow of chocolate, I totally get that one.
I got a little sorbet. Probably have the sorbet. A really good mango sorbet. Yum. I am going to try that baking mushroom now. I'm typically not afraid to get a little complement. Oh, oh, they're just right. It comes in at the end. Yes, it is spicy. That can only beat that. I'm going to eat. Bridget. Rebecca So I want you all that got candy melted.
There was a tart sitting down there in the middle of all of that. I think it's a lot and lots of caramel drips. Oh, that was really good, right? You get it. Really rich. That little tart would be to people easily. That is super, super rich. Tremendous cotton candy. Tried to move out of that. They got candy, caramel, caramel popcorn all glued to my mouth right now.
Wow. But is that so? Wonderland, I'm the symphony of the season. What a fun experience. We think this was the last night on purpose. You know, we the couple that we met at the chef table said that the chef table would be better than Wonderland. I will agree with that. But then again, we paid top tier money for a chef to cook for just four of us.
So that was absolutely amazing. But I think overall, this might be my second favorite restaurant on the entire ship. Just because it was whimsical, it was fun, and the meal was quite good. And of course, we had the Mad Hatter. Amy, Amy.
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