This eating tour of Arthur Ave. in The Bronx takes you inside many of the shops, behind the scenes of a 116-year-old bakery and samples some of the best pizza in New York.
My family has been coming to Arthur Avenue in The Bronx for over 70 years and this is the real Little Italy in New York City. Our tour guides are my sister Lori and her incredibly fun, Italian speaking husband Joe. Learn to eat like an Italian with some amazing bread, incredible cheese, coffee and other Italian delights. If you've never heard of Arthur Avenue, you are in for a treat. Get off the tourist beaten path and make your way to The Bronx.
We filmed this back in June of 2019 long before the current situation so enjoy this beautiful tour of an amazing slice of New York City.
Full Transcript, soon. apologies for typos.
Some merchants on Arthur Avenue don't have websites, you can get their phone numbers from the first link below.
Arthur Avenue: https://www.arthuravenuebronx.com/
Cerini Coffee and Gifts: https://www.cerinicoffee.com/
Terranova Bakery: https://www.terranovabakery.com/
Teitel Brothers Grocers: https://www.teitelbros.com/
Full Moon Pizzaria: https://www.fullmoonpizza.com/